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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Logistics and climate change

This section lists a wide assortment of research outputs on the links between logistics and climate change. They have been classified into six sub-sections.

  1. Studies analysing trends in the level of carbon emissions from logistics and the potential for decarbonising logistical activities.

  2. Reports and papers concerned with the measurement and reporting of logistics-related emissions.

  3. Papers examining the carbon implications of the growth of online retailing and comparing the carbon footprints of online and conventional retailing on a supply chain basis.

  4. Research focusing on carbon emissions from the maritime sector and the efforts being made to measure and reduce them.

  5. Studies of carbon emissions from trucks and future carbon reduction scenarios for the road freight sector.

  6. Unlike the previous five sections, which address the mitigation aspects of the subject, this final one reverses the causality and considers the need to adapt logistical systems to the climate change.

Click the links on the right (or below if you’re viewing this on a smartphone) for full lists of all resources under the various sub-headings.

© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025

Kuehne Logistics University


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© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025


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