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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics


In this section of the website you can consult a wide range of papers, reports and book chapters that I have authored or co-authored.

Material is divided into six broad categories, each with a range of sub-headings. Papers are listed chronologically under each of these sub-headings. You can access the sub-headings by clicking either the link on the right of each category screen or the Publications drop-down menu at the top of the screen. 

Each item is listed with an short synopsis. By clicking on the title you can obtain a longer summary and details of how to access the publication. Access can take three forms:

  • direct downloads from this website (full list of these papers can be found in the Downloads   section)
  • links to other websites from which papers can be freely downloaded
  • links to publishers’ websites at which copyrighted material requires a purchase or subscription 


 McKinnon, A.C.  Physical Distribution Systems  (Routledge, London. 1989. 316pp)

 Physical Distribution Systems book


McKinnon, A.C., Button, A.C. and Nijkamp, P. (eds) Transport Logistics (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002) 680pp

Transport Logistics book


 McKinnon,A.C., Browne,M., Piecyk, M. and Whiteing, A. (eds) Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Performance of Logistics. 3rd edition. (Kogan Page, London, 2015) 426pp.

 Green logistics book cover

Details of the book can be found here:


Evangelista, P., McKinnon, A.C., Sweeney, E. and Esposito, E. Supply Chain Innovation for Competing in Highly Dynamic Markets.  (IGI Global, Hershey PA, 2012) 343pp. 

Supply Chain innovation book

 Details of this book can be found at:




McKinnon, A.C. Decarbonizing Logistics: Distributing Goods in a Low Carbon World.  (Kogan Page, London. 2018) 310pp.

Details of the book can be found at:



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Kuehne Logistics University


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© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025


Kuehne Logistics University




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