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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Supply chain risk and resilience

Brief Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience

McKinnon, A.C. Introductory reading used for World Bank / IMF and doctoral workshops.

This short paper explains why supply chains have become so vulnerable and outlines what businesses and governments can do to make them more resilient.  I have used it as introductory reading for groups of managers, government officials and PhD students attending workshops on the subject. ...

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Impacts of Coronavirus on Logistics: Issues and Information Sources

KLU Q&A Sessions (2 and 30 April 2020)

On the 2nd and 30th April 2020, Kuehne Logistics University ran a series of online Q&A sessions focusing on the impact of coronavirus on various aspects of logistics, supply chain managent, the economy, leadership and human resource management.  My sessions focused on its 'short term impact on logistics and longer term effects on global supply chains'.  ...

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Balancing Efficiency and Resilience in Multi-modal Supply Chains: summary and conclusions

McKinnon, A.C. Summary of Roundtable organised by OECD / International Transport Forum 13-14 April (2018) 20pp

At an ITF Roundtable in Paris in April 2018, 35 invited specialists from 17 countries discussed the inter-relationship between resilience, efficiency and sustainability in the management of multimodal supply chains. This report, which I wrote as moderator of the event, summarises this discussion. ...

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Building supply chain resilience: a review of challenges and strategies

McKinnon, A.C. Report commissioned by the OECD / International Transport Forum for the Joint APEC – ITF Supply Chain Resilience Workshop in Christchurch, New Zealand. 26-28 March (2014) 24pp

For several decades, textbooks, articles and consultancy reports in supply chain management (SCM) have expounded the virtues of low inventory, just-in-time delivery, single-sourcing, centralization and tightly-coupled processes. Heeding their advice, many companies have effectively implemented this ‘lean’ approach and managed to achieve impressive cost savings and productivity gains. ...

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Adaptive logistics: preparing logistical systems for climate change

McKinnon, A.C. and Kreie, A.. In: Proceedings of the Annual Logistics Research Network Conference 2010. Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport / University of Leeds, Leeds (2010)

This paper outlines what is likely to become a major new field of logistics research, focusing on the adaptation of logistical systems and supply chains to climate change. This research will essentially reverse the traditional causality of green logistics research, which examines the effects of logistical activities on the environment, ... ...

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Life without trucks: the impact of a temporary disruption of road freight transport on a national economy

McKinnon, A.C. in Journal of Business Logistics, 27 (2): 227-250 (2006)

This paper presents the results of a macro-level assessment of the impact of a catastrophic failure of a country’s road transport system. The main purpose of the research was to illustrate, to government officials, company management and the wider public, the dependence of the UK economy on the road freight sector. ...

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Supply chain vulnerability

Christopher, M., McKinnon, A, Sharp, J, Wilding, R., Peck, H., Chapman, P., Jüttner, U., Bolumole, Y. Cranfield University Research Report, Cranfield (2002)

A consortium led by Cranfield University and including Heriot-University and the Business Continuity Institute were commissioned by the UK Government in 2001 to conduct research on the vulnerability of supply chains. This was prompted by a series of recent events, including the Kobe earthquake, the 9/11 terrorist attack and the ‘fuel price ... ...

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