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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Freight transport

This section reviews the work I have done on freight transport over the past 30 years. It divides the work into six categories.

  1. Research on the growth of freight traffic, what has been causing it and its changing relationship with economic growth.

  2. Publications on the efficiency with which freight is moved, mainly on the road network. Much of this work has focused on the utilisation of freight carrying capacity and the energy efficiency of freight vehicles.

  3. Research on freight transport is constrained by a lack of data. This sub-section assesses the quantity and quality of available data and considers how they might be improved.

  4. Several contributions on the general development of freight transport policy, including freight modal split

  5. Studies on the more specific issue of truck size and weight limits. This is one of the most controversial issues on the freight transport policy agenda in Europe and the US.

  6. The papers in this sub-section consider fuel costs in the trucking industry, the monetary value of road freight externalities and the case for internalising them with higher taxation.

Click the links on the right (or below if you’re viewing this on a smartphone) for full lists of all resources under the various sub-headings.

© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025

Kuehne Logistics University


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© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025


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