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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Audio playlist

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Music videos


Video playlist

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  • Lennon McCartney piano arrangement

    Uploaded 2009

    I've put together this arrangement of 15 Lennon and McCartney melodies including Ticket to Ride, Can't Buy Me Love, Blackbird, Here There and Everywhere, Penny Lane, Fool on the Hill, Lady Madonna, the Long and Winding Road, Norwegian Wood and Yesterday.

  • Robert Burns piano medley

    Recorded 2009

    A collection of six of Robert Burns most famous songs played by Alan McKinnon: Auld Lang Syne, Ae Fond Kiss, A Mans a Man, Green Grow the Rashes O, There was a Lad, A Red, Red Rose and Charlie, He's my Darling.

  • Christmas medley

    Recorded 2018

    Nine famous Christmas tunes linked in a piano medley.

  • Brexit day medley

    Recorded 2020

    To mark Britain’s departure from the EU I’ve assembled this little medley of classic British tunes that seem appropriate to what for me is a very sad occasion. Like the European Parliament, I start with Auld Lang Syne but end on a more upbeat note with Monty Python. Acknowledgements along the way to Paul McCartney, Edward Elgar, David Bowie, Elton John and the Queen!

  • School Days Piano Medley 1965-1971

    Recorded 2021

      I’ve put together this piano medley of 24 famous tunes for the period 1965 to 1971 when I was at secondary school.  I recorded it on the 50th anniversary of leaving school in June 1971.   List of the songs and their composers at https://bit.ly/3A2rDif  


© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025

Kuehne Logistics University


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© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025


Kuehne Logistics University




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