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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Exvironmental costs of logistics

Evaluating and internalizing the environmental costs of logistics

Piecyk, M.I., McKinnon, A.C. and Allen,J. in Green logistics: Improving the environmental sustainability of logistics, 3rd edition, ed. McKinnon, A.C., Browne, M., Piecyk, M. and Whiteing, A., Kogan Page: London. (2015)

This chapter begins with an explanation of the concepts of ‘externality’, the ‘polluter pays principle’ and the ‘internalization’ of the external costs. In the next section the arguments for and against the internalisation of environmental costs are discussed. This is followed by a review of issues associated with the monetary ... ...

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Reducing the external costs of food distribution in the UK

Fisher, D. J., McKinnon, A.C. and Palmer. A. in Delivering performance in food supply chains, eds. Mena,C and Stevens, G., CRC Press, Boca Raton, 459-477 (2010)

This book chapter summarises the results of a study undertaken for the UK government (known as the FISS study) which examined the opportunities for reducing the external costs of food distribution. These costs comprised environmental, infrastructural and congestion elements. In consultation with an industry advisory group, the researchers identified a ... ...

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Internalising the external costs of light and heavy goods transport in London

Allen, J., Piecyk, M. and McKinnon, A.C. Green Logistics Research Report, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. 27pp (2008)

This report estimates the total external costs of LGV and HGV operations in London to be around £1.75 – £1.8 billion in 2006. About 27 % of these costs were internalised by duties and taxes paid by LGV operators, and 26% in the case of HGVs. ...

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Internalising the external costs of road freight transport in the UK

Piecyk, M. and McKinnon, A.C. Green Logistics Research Report, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. 30pp (2007)

Two-thirds of the freight tonnage moved in the UK goes by road. Our economy and social well-being are critically dependent on the road haulage system. Most of the cost of this system is borne by lorry operators and passed on to customers. ...

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