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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Retail logistics

The logistics strategies and operations of retailers have been a continuing research interest over the years. The results of my research on this theme are classified into three sub-sections:

The first includes early work on the development of retailers’ logistical systems and the benefits of centralising retail inventory in distribution centres, as well as later studies of the ‘greening’ of retail supply chains.

Arguably the most important development in retail logistics over the past 20 years has been the growth of online retailing and the new ‘e-fulfilment’ challenges it has created. Papers in the second sub-section examine the development of online retail logistics, the related service quality and environmental issues and the prospects of ‘last mile’ deliveries being transformed by drones and 3D printing.

The third subs-section reviews work done on the so-called ‘last 50 metre’ problem i.e. from a shop’s back storeroom to the shelf, where the supply chain often fails at the very interface with the customer.

Click the links on the right (or below if you’re viewing this on a smartphone) for full lists of all resources under the various headings.

© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025

Kuehne Logistics University


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© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025


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