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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Contribution to International Organisations

European Commission

Professor McKinnon has performed a number of senior roles for the EC, including:


European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)

Professor McKinnon facilitated a series of roundtable discussions with senior executives of large European chemical companies culminating in the launch of a report on ‘supply chain excellence’ in this industry. He also advised Cefic on the carbon footprinting of European chemical transport. The report he co-authored with Dr Maja Piecyk formed the basis of the guidelines now used by European chemical companies to measure their transport-related carbon emissions.




Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The IPCC was set up in1988 by the United Nations Environment Program and World Meteorological Organisation to ‘prepare comprehensive and up-to-date assessments of policy-relevant scientific, technical, and socio-economic information relevant for understanding the scientific basis of climate change, potential impacts, and options for mitigation and adaptation’ (www.ipcc.ch).

Professor McKinnon was one of the lead authors of the transport chapter in the third volume of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment report published in 2014.  This volume (WGIII) focused on the ‘Mitigation of Climate Change’.  He also contributed to Annex III of this volume on ‘Technology-specific Cost and Performance Parameters’. 

Click here to access a copy of the Transport Chapter

Click here to access a copy of Annex III


International Energy Agency

Professor McKinnon (with the assistance of Dr. Maja Piecyk) prepared the chapter on Surface Freight Transport for the IEA’s 2009 report on Transport, Energy and CO2.



International Transport Forum (part of the OECD)

Professor McKinnon has been an adviser to the International Transport Forum on a range of issues including:

Professor McKinnon was an invited speaker at the Forums in Leipzig in 2008, 2014  and 2017 and keynote speaker at an ITF Roundtable on freight performance measurement in Mexico in 2015.


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Professor McKinnon contributed to the 13th Conference in Doha in 2013 and in March 2016 ran a week-long course in Sustainable Freight Transport and Finance for 75 senior government and industry officials from seven East African countries in Nairobi, jointly with Mr. Sudhir Gota.


Alan McKinnon at UNCTAD conference

 UNCTAD conference


World Bank

With KLU colleagues, Kai Hoberg and Christoph Floethmann, Professor McKinnon undertook a review of logistics skills, competences and training for the World Bank. This project had four objectives:

  • Assess labour and skill shortages in logistics around the world.
  • Examine the current state of logistics training and staff development.
  • Review recruitment and retention strategies used by logistics companies.
  • Provide guidance for governments on how to upgrade the logistics workforce.

The final report of the study, entitled ‘Logistics Competences, Skills and Training: A Global Overview’  was published in August 2017 and can be downloaded from the World Bank website:


WB report front page 

In a second phase of this project, Professor McKinnon worked with Dr Moritz Petersen, a senior research associate in the KLU, and Professor Kai Hoberg to develop a ‘toolkit’ that national governments can use to assess the availability of logistics skills in their countries.  This toolkit was successfully trialled in the west African country of Togo in January 2017.  A paper summarising the phase 2 and outlining the toolkit was presented by Dr Petersen at the 12th Hamburg International Conference of Logistics on 12 October 2017 at the Technical University of Hamburg Harburg.

A copy of this paper is available for download:

HICL paper title page


World Economic Forum

Professor McKinnon was appointed a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council (GAC) on the Future of Transportation in 2008. In 2010 he was appointed chairman of a new GAC on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, a post he held until 2012. As a GAC Chairman he attended the WEF’s Annual Meeting in Davos in 2011 and 2012, presenting the results of the Logistics Council’s work to the CEOs of major logistics and transportation companies. He remained a member of the Logistics / Supply Chain Council until 2016 and was one of the longest serving members of a GAC.



In 2016 Global Agenda Councils were replaced by a Network of Global Future Councils.  Professor McKinnon was appointed to the new Global Future Council on the Future of Mobility.  The Council met for the first time in Dubai in November 2016.




Reflections on Davos 2011

From the Heriot-Watt University magazine (click to pop up larger version):

Alan McKinnon in Network magazine 



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Kuehne Logistics University


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