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21 May 2017
BIVEC / GIBET Transport Chair Lectures
Low Carbon Freight Transport in a Climate Changed World
Freight transport as both a cause and victim of climate change
Series of three public lectures delivered as 2016-7 BIVEC-GIBET Transport Chair.
Download presentations:
Lecture 1: Decarbonising Freight Transport
Lecture 2: Adapting Freight Transport to Climate Change
Lecture 3: Interaction between Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Freight Transport Sector
BIVEC / GIBET is the ‘Benelux Interuniversity Association of Transport Researchers which brings together lecturers, academics, researchers and policy makers from both government departments and the business community, all involved in transport economics.’ Every two years it appoints a ‘Transport Chair’ who is invited to give three public lectures on a topical transport theme. I was appointed the 2016-17 Chair and have now given three lectures on the theme of ‘Low carbon freight transport in a climate changed world.‘
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