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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

Longer and/or Longer and Heavier Goods Vehicles (LHVs): A study of the likely effects if permitted in the UK: Final Report


This is the 311 page report of the study undertaken jointly by TRL and the Logistics Research Centre at Heriot-Watt University into the case for relaxing the legal length limit of trucks in the UK, with or without a further relaxation in the maximum gross weight.   The study reviewed all the main aspects of this issue including the design and manoeuvrability of these vehicles and their possible impact on road infrastructure, the environment, road safety, the use of alternative modes and logistics systems. Eight different vehicle scenarios were analysed. The report concluded that some of these scenarios would yield net economic and safety benefits, though there was a risk that if they induced a significant erosion of traffic from rail, they might cause a slight increase in CO2 emissions.   Following the study the government rejected the case for a further increase in maximum weight and a length increase to 25 metres, though did keep open the option of slightly lengthening trailers by 1 or 2 metres.

 Click here to download a copy of this report.

I was lampooned for my participation in this project in the satirical magazine Private Eye in April 2008

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Kuehne Logistics University


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