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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

22 May 2024

UNCTAD Global Supply Chain Forum, Barbados

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) held its first Global Supply Chain Forum in Barbados, with a full programme of plenary and parallel sessions addressing a range of current supply chain issues, many relating to Small Island Developing States (SIDS).  I was invited to  moderate a panel discussion focused on two of the main themes of the event, the sustainability and resilience of supply chains.  I was fortunate to have an excellent panel, comprising John Manners-Bell from Transport Intelligence, Zera Zheng from Maersk, Darwin Telemaque from the Port Management Association of the Caribbean and Miryam Saade Hazin from UNECLAC,to discuss the subject.  A recording of the session is available at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcQEZN7Lz18&t=7300s  (between the timings 1.10.30 and 2.13.30).

You can find two text summaries of our discussion, one generated by A1 and the other written by me (before reading the automated version).  Clearly my services won’t be required for much longer! 

My summary of the discussion

AI-generated summary

Forum programme

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© Professor Alan McKinnon 2025

Kuehne Logistics University


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