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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

14 May 2017

Week on the European Conference Circuit

Four conference presentations on different topics in different European cities on consecutive days  -  a rather tiring week:

Tuesday 16th May

European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)   Seminar on ‘Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Chemical Transport’. Brussels

Presentation: Freight transport in a low-carbon world – Opportunities for cutting emissions

Wednesday 17th May

Centro Espanol de Logistica (CEL) 39th Annual conference. Madrid

Keynote presentation: Future of logistics collaboration in Europe

Thursday 18th May

BIVEC – GIBET Transport Research Days, University of Liege, Liege.

Keynote presentation: Interaction between climate change mitigation and adaptation in the freight transport sector.

More details

Friday 19th May

European Freight and Logistics Leaders Forum, Conference on ‘Navigating your Supply Chain through Cyberspace’.   Glasgow

Presentation: Logistics skills shortages: a global overview.



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Kuehne Logistics University


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