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8 June 2017
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK Conference
UK Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport annual conference
This year’s conference focused on the theme of ‘Driving the Future: Optimising Technology and Skills in the Supply Chain’. I gave a plenary session address on logistics skills shortages. This was partly based on our KLU research for the World Bank, but also highlighted several other issues that have been particularly topical in the UK:
1. The conflict between efforts, by organisations such as the CILT and European Logistics Associations, to professionalise logistics and commercial pressures, mainly of them emanating from online retailing, to ‘casualise’, deskill and devalue logistics employment. The following slide illustrates this conflict.
2.The prospect that many logistics-related occupations will cease to exist as a result of computerisation, artificial intelligence and robotics. Data from a study undertaken by the Martin School at Oxford University (available at the BBC website) has been used to estimate the probability of 14 logistics-related jobs being automated over the next 20 years and the resulting loss of employment in the UK:
A copy of the full presentation is available here.
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