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31 May 2017
International Transport Forum 2017
International Transport Forum 2017 Leipzig
31st May - 2nd June
This event, often portrayed as the ‘Davos’ of the transport world, had around 1400 delegates this year, including transport ministers and vice-ministers from 41 countries. The theme of this year’s Forum was Governance of Transport Full details of the event
I made three contributions:
1. Moderated a ‘side event’ on the electrification of roads for heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) organised by Siemens. This session outlined the potential benefits of highway electrification and received reports from Sweden and Germany of pilot projects currently underway and being planned. There were also contributions from the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the Technical University of Dresden. Agenda for this event.
Two of Scania’s prototype trolley trucks were on display outside the congress centre.
2. Short presentation about ‘Logistics and Climate Change’ to another side-event organised by ANTP, the organisation representing Mexican freight transport users and operators.
3. Contribution to an ‘ITF in Focus’ session on High Capacity Transport i.e. the use of larger and/or heavier trucks. This linked to a new study of the case for HCT being jointly sponsored by the ITF and Swedish Transport Administration. My presentation focused on the possible contribution of HCT to the decarbonisation of freight transport. A copy of this presentation can be downloaded here.
You can also watch a video of my 15 minute talk on the subject.
A video of the whole session is also available at the ITF 2017 website. http://2017.itf-oecd.org/videos
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