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Alan McKinnon – Professor of Logistics

27 September 2017

EU Logistics Cloud conference

This was the final conference of a series of four on Collaborative Innovation in Logistics organised jointly by the European Commission and ALICE, the EU’s technology platform for logistics.  The previous three focused on:

- Carbon footprint reduction in freight transport and logistics

- Digitalisation, data sharing and trust for efficient and sustainable freight transport and logistics

- City logistics

The concluding event summarised and synthesised the main messages to arising from the earlier events.

Details of all four conferences, including summary reports and presentations, can be found here.

My presentation summarised the results of the first conference on ‘carbon footprint reduction’ which was held in March 2017.  It is available for downloading here.

My colleague Prof Rod Franklin from the KLU performed a similar role for the second event on digitalisation.




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Kuehne Logistics University


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